Tuesday 29 January 2008

What more can you want from a community member?

As some will know WebPA has been around in a number of guises (although only available at Loughborough University), but the original concept came from an academic called Peter Willmot.

Peter has stuck with the WebPA tool from the beginning and has been one of the best supporters for future development. As a supporter Peter has contributed vastly to inclusion of new features to WebPA over the year. Since becoming a JISC funded open source project, Peters status within the project community has slowly changed. Now I would confidently say that he is one of the main evangelists for the project.

Within the role of evangelist for the project Peter has spoken across the world about WebPA and over the years has created a number of contacts. Recently this has paid off for the project. One of Peters contacts in Australia - Lydia Kavanagh from the University of Queensland and her team have successfully installed a copy of WebPA and are intending to begin using the tool over the coming weeks. Hopefully I will be able to let you know more as this new community relation ship builds.

However, the real message should be that if you can develop a community member from a user to an evangelist then there is no stopping how far you can go. For the project this is a mammoth step out side the funding remit, but a giant leap in moving towards being a sustainable project. Not bad really for a little project I joined just over a year ago.

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